Friday, July 24, 2009


We're going to upgrade the size of our bed soon so Oliver has more space to hog. Really, I'm not getting enough quality sleep because I'm balancing myself right on the edge of the bed most of the night. That boy likes to sleep spread eagled. The added benefit is enough room for the entire family (including Rigby and our future puppy) to pile on while enjoying a lazy weekend morning or an evening of reading books together.

After lots of research, we decided to go with a Keetsa mattress. I first saw them on Blu Dot's website. A local shop downtown that carries Blu Dot furniture will have floor models to test by the time we plan to buy one. The whole concept is really cool, plus they are reasonably priced. We also don't want to spend a lot of money on a bedframe right now, so we're either going with an IKEA Malm bedframe, something from Overstock, or perhaps we'll brave the furniture outlets in San Marcos.

I'd love it if we could recreate the look of this bed, from here. I posted the source of the bedding here. Beautiful, but expensive - I think I'll be doing some sewing.

I even love the wall color - it's so cheerful. Painting is next on our list.

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